Wednesday, October 29, 2008

gee-tar solos..

I was So so.
I scored 28/100 on theClassic Guitar Solo Quiz

Can you identify classic rock songs by listening to their guitar solos?

Quiz by Ibanez Guitars

what color is your heart? Black?

The color of your heart is purple
You are thoughtful, nice, and you probably have two best friends that you can count on. You may be called a loser, but you are a winner. Thats why you match up with someone with a red heart. Both of you don't waste any time in your lives.

what movie are you?

Remember the Titans
You are athletic and a crowd pleaser. You love being around people and making them laugh. You have a great way about you and you are ambitious. You know how to win the gold.


Apple Cider
You have a little bit of spice to you. You have a kickass attitude.You're original you don't need to follow the crowd to stand out! You love hangin on the block or skating to the movies. Keep on rockin!

hell no i'm not a brat!!

Mischievous Brat
Just because you haven't gotten caught, doesn't mean you're not a big brat. Sure, you love to do things like pull the fire alarm or the wool over people's eyes. But what makes you unique, and sure, a little fun, is the way you always manage to skip out on getting blamed.

Smart and sneaky, you know how to fly under the radar. And, on the rare occasion where you do get caught, you know just how to sweet-talk your way out of it. We know it sounds like you're the coolest cat around, but you know what they say — what goes around comes around. Watch out!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cinderella story...

Whether you're battling evil stepsisters, arguing against an unfair grade, or trying to put a bully in their place, one thing's for sure — you fight for the underdog. Let's face it: The world's not always fair. But you, more than others, know you can help make a difference.

So whether you're leading a rally cry, starting a new club, or just welcoming the new girl in school before the mean kids get a chance, you've got a strong sense of what's right and wrong and are armed with the smarts to fight for justice. So roll up your sleeves, Cinderella. You might not always feel like people notice your efforts, but deep down everyone knows you're the real belle of the ball.


The Shining
Redrum! Redrum! Whether you've seen it or not, your horror movie match is one of the most watched and most loved movies of all time. The moment when Jack breaks down the door and says "Here's Johnny!" caused screams and shivers all across the world. You might not be as creepy and scary, but The Shining is a true classic and a true original, just like you.

No matter what you've got planned for the day, you are always up for a little fun and adventure. After all, you know what they say — all work and no play makes Jack (and you) a dull boy. And there's no fun in that.